Our second grandchild and first granddaughter was born on August 11, 2010. She is gorgeous of course. That's what all grandmother's feel about their grandchildren, I think, or at least I think my two grandchildren are the most beautiful children in the world. I'm a tad prejudiced of course.
I was elected as President of the FVKG (Fraser Valley Knitting Guild), so now I only have one role rather than the four that I had for the past two years. Our executive is very strong this year and we had three amazing members who organized a Yarn Harvest Crawl, which I had to go on and of course spend far too much money on yarn that just called my name.
I haven't been weaving since I ended my classes. I do have yarn to weave and I just need to take the time to set up my loom and actually do it. The small TV is in my craft room now so I have no excuse except for laziness or the desire to either knit or have my face in a book.
I read a lot this summer and now that Fall arrived, I'm still reading a lot. Millie and I walk each day that she isn't at doggy day care, and I do take a book to the dog park and try to sit on a bench and just read, but she has to be walked around the park first and stop and sniff everything, maybe play with another dog if she feels like it, and so my book is usually just something else that I have to carry.
As our knitting guild is getting so organized, I finally figured out how to add a picture and a short note about our day at the Cranberry Festival to our guild's blog. The Cranberry Festival was today, and driving through Fort Langley was a nightmare and my GPS wouldn't help me until I managed to go around in circles for awhile. Finally it gave me the right directions to where I was suppose to be. With a very poor sense of direction, I did know that I had to go in one direction but getting there wasn't easy with Glover Road blocked off and people stopping in the middle of the streets and look around. However, as I had Millie in the car, I was quite patient.
Millie had a walk this morning and a short one with me when I could leave our table. Then our secretary's brother came and he walked Millie for about 2 miles. Needless to say, I was grateful and Millie is very tired this evening. That is a good thing because she needs lots of exercise.
I have designed a cowl but now I need to finish it, make sure that my directions can be followed by anyone and I've lined up one test knitter. So I guess I've done something different lately. I'm knitting purple hats for the Shaking Baby Syndrome Project and I have purple yarn to make about 3 more. I'm currently knitting a pumpkin hat for my granddaughter, a sweater for her, a sweater for my grandson, and I just finished a mask for Millie to wear to doggy day care as her halloween costume. She's going as a superhero angel. She doesn't like her wings nor does she like her tiera and I'm sure she isn't going to be thrilled to have a white mask tied around her head.
It started raining very hard on my way back home and I was so glad to walk into a vacuumed house. My husband had done it and he's the one with the sore back now. We're having the family over tomorrow for Canadian Thanksgiving but I decided I wasn't going to get up early and stuff a bird. That can wait until Christmas. So I bought a ham and hopefully won't over cook it like I usually do. Store bought pies, ice cream, and lots of vegetables and potatoes and salad ought to keep everyone fed and content.
It's back to knitting the Pumpkin hat for me right now. I'll try to write more, but really is it that important in the scheme of life?