Since I'm planning to be in Lake Arrowhead in July with the same group of friends who came to visit me last summer, I've had to read all sorts of stuff about the rules and regulations of what I can or can not take on a plane. Air Alaska says yes to knitting needles but the friend that I'm flying down with said to take bamboo ones. She said they really are more concerned about liquids. Finding mouthwash in bottles less than 3oz isn't that difficult but it sure is a royal pain in the neck.
And then to have to put these items in a plastic bag to be inspected makes me just a tad frustrated. I'd rather just put everything in my suitcase but then with the air lines losing luggage left right and centre these days and not being able to lock luggage anymore and baggage carriers helping themselves to things in people's bags, doesn't do well for my sense of security.
However, I will do what I have to do. I have two knitting projects that I can work on on the plane and will probably just take those two items as they don't require much thinking. Well, the Branching Out Scarf does require some so I may do that on the plane and leave the Eye of the Partridge shawl for when we're all just hanging about.
Millie is now 11 months old and is quite delightful and very smart. Except that she likes to chew on my sweaters and slippers and my hands. I now just don't allow it. She starts and she is put down and I walk away. Then she'll go to my husband or anyone else in the room who will play with her. That is until she starts chewing on them and they figure it out that they'd better stop her or she'll keep doing it.
She is sleeping with us and I've tried to explain to my husband that he isn't going to want a big Golden Retriever pushing him out of bed but he's so smitten with Millie that I figure it's his problem. If she bugs me at night, I take her out to pee and if she can't settle down again, she goes into her crate. I love her dearly but I am alpha dog. She will wait until I step outside before she does, she will sit and stay for me. She will shake a paw and we're working on lying down. Mostly she just lunges for the treat, which is really just some of her food. She retrieves sticks or balls and rides in the car very well. She is getting used to having the leash on her and each day we practise walking around outside or in the house and if she doesn't chew on the leash, she gets a 'treat'.
I haven't been able to get much done around the house or yard, but then the weather has been wet and dreary and I don't feel like weeding. Plus, when I did try to do some in the backyard, Millie thought she should help and was digging holes.
I've managed to work on some knitting with Millie sleeping next to me. Problem is when she wakes up and wants to chew my needles or the yarn. I always win with this contest.
My Flower Basket Lace Shawl is coming along nicely with only a few errors and a few rows ripped back to my lifelines. I'm hoping to finish it to wear in California if there is a cool evening.
My Gwen vest from Mission Falls, The Illustrator is about 3/4 finished. I just need to finish the right front, block it, sew up the seams and figure out how to do the neck which at first didn't make any sense to me but is slowly awakening some of my tired brain cells.
I did cast on some socks in case I want to work on them in California, but I still haven't finished the pair of socks for my husband yet because I got so bored going around and around.
I feel like I have a new baby and a toddler rolled into one. Yet, Millie is fun and even though I still miss Scully, getting Millie when we did was the right time. With our grandson coming to live with us in September with my eldest son and daughter-in-law and my daughter moving home again at the end of this month to save money while at University, and my youngest son working full-time for a year before he has to decide if he wants to get another bachelor's degree or not, our house is very full.
I've had to move my yarn and quilting and scrapbooking supplies to the smaller den on the main floor and store a lot of yarn in the basement. My husband still has to tile the rec room in the basement and finish it up but he does have time before September.
It will be strange having all 3 of my children back under the same roof again, but as adults plus our daughter-in-law and grandson who will be almost 2 at the time of their arrival.
I just hope I can overlook their messes and that there is some order to who is fixing dinners and which day I do get to do the laundry in my own home.
Life is to be enjoyed and not suffered through so I choose to see this as a positive thing. We've always had family meetings to discuss issues, and my daughter has already suggested that we have one when she comes and then another one in September.
I'm grateful to have her returning home because even though she will be working part-time and studying for her degree in Sociology, she knows what needs to be done around the house and what I can't do nor should I do it.
I finished the Bias Shawl recently and it will also go to California with me. I've been checking the temperatures at Lake Arrowhead and I'll be taking mostly summer clothes. With rain and damp and cool weather here in BC, I've been forced to return to wearing some turtleneck tops just to keep warm. Hopefully that will change in the next week.