We had a very hot long weekend as Canada Day on July 1 was on Tuesday. Then last night we had lightning and thunder and rain. It was rainy today but not really horrible, but I do wonder if we are going to have a real summer this year or not. We didn't really have a Spring, so chances are that we'll continue to have hot days, rain, and then hot days.
I prefer nice and sunny days but not too hot. Yet our home is air conditioned, so I really don't have much to complain about.
I finished the Flower Basket Lace shawl that I decided to make to take with me next week when I go down to Lake Arrowhead to visit with 9 of my high school friends. I have 2 projects on bamboo needles that don't require much thought from me plus socks on two plastic circular needles.
Apparently Air Alaska accepts needles but any liquids over 3 oz are banned. I'm going to brave it and put all my make up stuff, creams, toothpaste, etc in my suitcase and just hope it doesn't get lost on the short flight from Seattle to Ontario, California.
Since I keep checking the weather in Lake Arrowhead and it is in the 30's C, I figured that I don't need anything to keep me warm.
I also finished the Gwen Vest from The Illustrator from Mission Falls, made out of cotton. The cotton was hard to work with, but it did turn out looking quite nice.
I still have about 11 UFO's and have joined a KAL on beginner knitters on ravelry making the luna moth, which is a free pattern from Elann.com. I've done the first 14 rows of it, but don't plan on taking it with me.
Millie is 3 months old now and had a rough weekend due to the heat, having another set of shots, teething, and feeling generally lethargic. My daughter moved back home this past weekend to save money while she's at UBC. She's going to take the bus so she can study and save on gas, which just keeps getting higher and higher. It is nice to have her at home again and she and her dad painted her old bedroom and she's settling in quite nicely. My den which is now my craft room still needs to be organized. Going from her old bedroom which was a good sized room into a small room meant that I've had to store a lot of my stash of yarn in the basement for now. It does give me a motive to start using more of my stash for projects though.
I'm also working on a Cindy pattern for a KAL on Ravelry for knitter's named Cynthia, Cindy or any other types of names that are related to Cindy. I'm slowly working on the back but my heart isn't into it right now. Mostly, it is because I've been busy with Millie and also trying to get things organized for my trip south. But I will finish it. I want to finish at least 5 of my UFO's before I start something new because I need to work on the sweater for my husband so he can wear it in the Fall and Winter. Also, I have a pair of socks for him that have been glued to the needles for months now.
Sometimes I just get bored with a project but I do always finish them. Unless like a couple lately that I frogged because I just didn't like what I was seeing.